Lance Nunley
Greg Lamb
2025 Schedule:
2/22/25: Chester Frost Park
3/15/25: Marion County Park
4/19/25: Dayton Boat Dock
5/31/25: Marion County Park
6/28/25: Chester Frost Park
10/18-10/19/25: Super Tournament- Location TBD
Payout (140% Payback of Entry Fees):
50 Full Paid Entries 60 Full Paid Entries
1st: $3,000 1st: $3,500
2nd: $2,500 2nd: $2,700
3rd: $2,000 3rd: $2,100
4th: $1,500 4th: $1,600
5th: $1,250 5th: $1,250
6th: $1,000 6th: $1,000
7th: $750 7th: $750
8th: $600 8th: $650
9th: $500 9th: $600
10th: $400 10th:$500
Big Fish: $500 11th: $400
12th: $350
Big Fish: $600
$200 Entry Fee Per Tournament plus a one-time membership fee of $60 per angler. Youth team entry fee will be $100 and is defined as at least one member of the team is still in high school at the beginning of the 2025 season and they may compete as a youth for the entire season.
Based on participation the payout will go up or down based on number of full entries per tournament. The Super Tournament will be a $300 entry fee tournament with the same sponsor dollar allocation as each individual tournament. We are contributing equal sponsor dollars to every single tournament, not allocating all sponsor dollars to the Classic like in years past.
In order to be eligible to fish the Super Tournament you must pay an entry fee in each of the 5 regular season events. Points will be totalled for the 5 regular season events. There will be no drops to determine AOY and final points standings.
All 2025 Tournaments will be day tournaments.
Payment Options
There will be two ways to prepay for the season.
Option 1: Prepay for the Regular Season on-site at Sportsman’s Warehouse on Sunday, February 2nd from 3PM-5PM. Total Amount due $1,120 per team or $620 per Youth Team.
Option 2: Prepay for 50% of the Regular Season on-site at Sportsman’s Warehouse on Sunday, February 2nd from 3PM-5PM and the remaining balance will be due prior to the 3rd tournament of the season. It will be two equal payments of $560 per team or $310 per Youth Team.
Payment Option 3:
Pay by Tournament at a single signup location the week of each tournament or at the ramp the morning of: $200 Entry Fee plus a $35 Late fee plus a one-time membership fee of $60 per angler. Youth teams will be $100 plus a $35 Late fee.
Boat Numbers:
Boat Numbers will be a rotating draw for all prepay teams. All anglers that do either Prepay Option will get a random team number assigned to them that will rotate by tournament. Your boat number for the first tournament is your team number for the season. For example if we have 40 teams that do a Prepay Option, the team that is randomly assigned team number 1 out of those 40 boats would have the following boat numbers for the season (Tournament #1: Boat 1, Tournament #2: Boat 11, Tournament #3: Boat 22, Tournament #4: Boat 33, Tournament #5: Boat 5).
All teams that pay by tournament will be assigned a boat number after the prepay boats in the order in which they signed up the week of the tournament.
Rule Changes:
During each tournament of the 2025 season, Forward Facing or Live Sonar (FFS) will not be permitted during tournament hours. This includes the Garmin LVS 32, LVS 34 and LVS 62, Humminbird Megalive and Lowrance Active Target 1 and 2 and any additional FFS (live) transducers that are currently being made. If new FFS (Live Sonar) transducers come to market this list may be updated at any time. Humminbird 360 or Mega 360 will be permitted. There will be no restriction on the technology outside of tournament hours. You will not be required to remove it from your boat. Anglers if you are running a dedicated screen for your FFS and can easily unhook the transducer and easily remove the dedicated head unit, we ask that you do that prior to the tournament. If you CANNOT easily remove the dedicated head unit, a locking mechanism will be provided prior to blastoff the morning of the tournament. Multiple polygraphs will be conducted randomly to top 10 finishers at every event.
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